For infection control purposes, anyone seeking entrance into the District Court Building located at 200 Duke Street, Prince Frederick, MD will be asked the following questions:
1. Have you had any of the following symptoms in the
last seven days: fever or chills, cough, sore throat,
shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or ____ Yes ____ No
any other flu-like symptoms, headache or unusual
muscle pain, loss of taste or smell?
2. In the past week, do you know if you have been in
close (less than 6 feet) prolonged contact (more than
15 minutes) with someone with a fever, cough, shortness ____ Yes ____ No
of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flu-like symptoms,
or a diagnosis of COVID-19?
3. Have you had a positive test for COVID-19 infection ____ Yes ____ No
within the past fourteen days?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions, the screening personnel will contact the Judge’s chambers where a decision will be made whether to grant or deny your entry.