Bonolis Sentenced for Animal Cruelty

Calvert County State’s Attorney Robert Harvey announced that Kenneth David Bonolis, 58, of St. Leonard, was sentenced on January 25, 2022 for the crime of animal cruelty.  Bonolis received a sentence of 14 days incarceration to be followed by a period of home detention.  The sentence followed a jury trial held before the Honorable Mark S. Chandlee of the Calvert County Circuit Court during which time the State put forth evidence that Bonolis had repeatedly struck his dog outside of the Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter.


State’s Attorney Harvey wishes to commend Sergeant Kreps, Deputy Director Dowd and Calvert County Animal Cruelty Task for their efforts in the investigation of this matter.  He also wishes to commend employees of the Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter for their efforts in securing the conviction.  The case was prosecuted by Assistant State’s Attorney Christopher J. Monte.